Scroll down to find previous Long-Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs), along with their accompanying Needs Assessment documents.
Note: Documents prior to 2015 are not in an accessible format and therefore cannot be read by a screen reader. If you require assistance with these documents, please contact MPO staff at 857.702.3700 [voice], 617.570.9193 [TTY], 617.570.9192 [fax], or
Charting Progress to 2040
The MPO endorsed Charting Progress to 2040 on July 30, 2015. The Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Highway Administration approved the document in the fall of 2015.
Executive Summary
- English (PDF) English (HTML)
- Español (Spanish) (PDF) Español (Spanish) (HTML)
- Português (Portuguese) (PDF) Português (Portuguese) (HTML)
- 简体中文版 (Simplified Chinese) (PDF) 简体中文版 (Simplified Chinese) (HTML)
Table of Contents (PDF) Table of Contents (HTML)
- Chapter 1: Transportation Planning for the Boston Region (PDF) Chapter 1: Transportation Planning for the Boston Region (HTML)
- Chapter 2: Process for Developing Charting Progress to 2040 (PDF) Chapter 2: Process for Developing Charting Progress to 2040 (HTML)
- Chapter 3: Transportation Needs in the Boston Region (PDF) Chapter 3: Transportation Needs in the Boston Region (HTML)
- Chapter 4: Funding the Transportation Network (PDF) Chapter 4: Funding the Transportation Network (HTML)
- Chapter 5: The Recommended Plan (PDF) Chapter 5: The Recommended Plan (HTML)
- Chapter 6: Charting Performance (PDF) Chapter 6: Charting Performance (HTML)
- Chapter 7: Transportation Equity (PDF) Chapter 7: Transportation Equity (HTML)
- Chapter 8: Air Quality Conformity Determination and Greenhouse Gas Analysis (PDF) Chapter 8: Air Quality Conformity Determination and Greenhouse Gas Analysis (HTML)
- Appendix A: Scenario Planning Process (PDF) Appendix A: Scenario Planning Process (HTML)
- Appendix B: Universe of Projects and Programs (PDF) Appendix B: Universe of Projects and Programs (HTML)
- Appendix C: Project Evaluation (PDF) Appendix C: Project Evaluation (HTML)
- Appendix D: Public Comments (PDF) Appendix D: Public Comments (HTML)
- Appendix E: Methodology for Land Use Projections in the Boston Region (PDF) Appendix E: Methodology for Land Use Projections in the Boston Region (HTML)
- Appendix F: Glossary of Acronyms (PDF) Appendix F: Glossary of Acronyms (HTML)
Volume II—Needs Assessment
- Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF) Chapter 1: Introduction (HTML)
- Chapter 2: Land Use in the Boston Region MPO (PDF) Chapter 2: Land Use in the Boston Region MPO (HTML)
- Chapter 3: Travel Patterns in the Boston Region MPO (PDF) Chapter 3: Travel Patterns in the Boston Region MPO (HTML)
- Chapter 4: Regionwide Needs Assessment (PDF) Chapter 4: Regionwide Needs Assessment (HTML)
- Appendix A: Policies Guiding the MPO (PDF) Appendix A: Policies Guiding the MPO (HTML)
The MPO subsequently adopted the following amendments to Charting Progress to 2040:
- Amendment One (PDF) Amendment One (HTML): Endorsed August 18, 2016
- Amendment Two (PDF) Amendment Two (HTML): Endorsed August 16, 2018
Paths to a Sustainable Region
The MPO endorsed Paths to a Sustainable Region on September 22, 2011. The Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Highway Administration approved the document on November 30, 2011.
- Chapter 1: Introduction and Plan Development Process
- Chapter 2: MPO Visions and Policies
- Chapter 3: A Summary of the Region’s Transportation Needs
- Chapter 4: Transportation System Operations and Management
- Chapter 5: Livability and the Environment
- Chapter 6: Transportation Equity
- Chapter 7: Financial Plan
- Chapter 8: Recommended Plan
- Chapter 9: Environmental Justice Assessment
- Chapter 10: Air Quality Conformity Determination
- Appendix A: Feedback Summary
- Appendix B: Universe of Projects and Programs
- Appendix C: Travel Demand Forecasts and No-Build Project Descriptions
Volume II—Needs Assessment
- Introduction
- Regionwide Needs Assessment
- Corridor and Central Area Need Assessments
- Northeast Corridor
- North Corridor
- Northwest Corridor
- West Corridor
- Southwest Corridor
- Southeast Corridor
- Central Area
- Circumferential Corridors (Route 128 and Interstate 495)
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
The MPO subsequently adopted the following amendments to Paths to a Sustainable Region:
- Amendment One (PDF): endorsed June 28, 2012, and approved by the federal agency partners on October 12, 2012
- Amendment Two (PDF) ((HTML): endorsed July 25, 2013, and approved by the federal agency partners on September 30, 2013
- Amendment Three (PDF) (HTML): endorsed November 7, 2013, and submitted to the federal agency partners for approval
For more information, please contact