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You are invited to participate in the development of the new TIP. Refer to the timeline to the right for upcoming milestones, meetings, and events and their associated documents. For questions, contact Ali Kleyman, TIP Manager, at akleyman@ctps.org or 857.702.3709.
Overall TIP Process
September–December: Gather information about possible projects from member municipalities, the public, and our own staff
December–February: Analyze and evaluate potential construction projects based on our criteria
March: Recommend projects for funding to the MPO based on our evaluations and factors such as project cost, project readiness, regional distribution of funding, and other planning priorities and constraints
April–May: Public review of draft TIP document; incorporate feedback from municipalities and the public and agree on final list of transportation construction projects to program with federal funding; MPO endorse final TIP by the end of May
Current Updates
At the MPO meeting on May 24, 2018, the board voted to endorse the federal fiscal years (FFYs) 2019–23 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (PDF) (HTML). The MPO expects to receive approval of the TIP from its federal partners in the fall of 2018. The FFYs 2018-22 TIP will remain in effect until the start of the new fiscal year, October 1, 2018.
To review the schedule for FFYs 2019–23 TIP development, refer to the timeline on this page.
Initiating a TIP Project
- A Municipal TIP contact is responsible for communicating with MPO staff about TIP project-related matters. MPO Staff has created several resources to guide TIP contacts and project proponents. To review key information and to submit the data that the MPO needs in order to evaluate a project, see the Project Proponent Questionnaire. For a step-by-step overview of the TIP Process, review the TIP How-To Presentation.
- In order to be considered for TIP funding, a project must be approved by MassDOT. To streamline project approval, MassDOT has launched the new Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT), a web-based application that replaces Project Need and Project Initiation Forms. To access MaPIT, project proponents must obtain a login for MassDOT’s GeoDOT Open Data Portal and navigate to the Project Intake Tool.
MPO’s TIP Tables, Database, and Resources:
- TIP Database
- Current TIP tables (PDF) (HTML)
- Project Proponent Questionnaire
- TIP How-To Presentation
- Last year’s TIP Development Page (FFYs 2018―22)
Massachusetts Department of Transportation Project References:
Federal Funding Programs:
- Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act Fact Sheets
- Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Funding Grants
- Guide To Federal-Aid Programs And Projects
- Congestion Mitigation And Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ)
- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
- Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG)
- Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)