Boston Region MPO 2000 Census Demographic Profile

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Spreadsheet containing a demographic profile of the Boston Region MPO from Census 2000 data.
Use the combo box in cell C4 of the spreadsheet to select a town in the MPO region, or the MPO region as a whole. The spreadsheet will be refreshed to present the following demographic data for the selected geography: population by race and Hispanic origin, population by age and sex, households, group quarters, employment status, vehicles available, median household income, linguistic isolation, means of transportation to work, and mean travel time to work.
Data type
tabular data
analysis and planning
Last updated
U. S. Census Bureau, CTPS
Use constraint
available for download
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This data is intended for informational purposes only. CTPS provides this information on an "as is" basis and makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, either express or implied, that the data will be error free. CTPS further makes no guarantees, representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy or correctness of the data, or as to merchantability or fitness of the data for a particular use or purpose. CTPS is not responsible to any user for any costs, expenses, liabilities or damages arising from inconsistencies in its data or from any use of the information.