June 11, 2020
David Mohler, Chair
Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4150
Boston, MA 02116
Re: Draft Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Unified Planning Work Program Dear Mr. Mohler,
The Regional Transportation Advisory Council (RTAC) is an independent group of citizen and regional advocacy groups, municipal officials, and agencies charged to provide advice to the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) on transportation planning and programming.
The RTAC has reviewed and discussed the public review draft FFY 2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and offers the following comments:
- The RTAC appreciates the MPO staff’s consideration of the feedback provided by the RTAC on the initial UPWP project list and notes that a number of the RTAC’s priority projects are recommended for funding.
- We are pleased that the MPO is already working to integrate equity considerations into all projects during the scoping process. Especially in light of recent events highlighting disparities in our society, we encourage the MPO to continue to include a strong focus on equity in the studies as they are scoped.
- We understand the MPO is considering providing the opportunity for public input into UPWP study scopes as they are developed. We would welcome the opportunity to comment on draft versions of the study scopes, if this could be done without overly burdening staff or delaying the implementation of the studies.
Once again, we appreciate the opportunity to express our thoughts to the MPO. Sincerely,
Lenard Diggins
Chair, Regional Transportation Advisory Council