FFYs 2024–28 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment Twelve

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  Overall Changes in Funding in TIP
Project Proposed Change Explanation Section/Funding Source Current Cost New Cost Difference
FFY 2024 Earmark Discretionary            
S13010: REVERE- WONDERLAND MULTIMODAL CONNECTOR PLANNING STUDY New Project This line item includes $4 million of federal Community Project Funding with $1 million in matching funds to improve connectivity between the Wonderland Station on the MBTA Blue Line and to plan for a potential commuter rail facility in the area in the future. Earmark Discretionary: HPP $0 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
FFY 2024 Transit Program            
RTD001114: METROWEST RTA - 5307 FORMULA FUNDS - VEHICLE REPLACEMENT (6 Da w/ CNG) Source Change, Cost Decrease This line item rebalances the proportion of matching funding, increasing the matching share of the project from $482,500 to $700,000. The federal share has decreased from $626,444 to $405,214. Transit: FTA Section 5307, RTACAP $1,108,944 $1,105,214 -$3,730

CNG = Compressed Natural Gas. Da = Type D vehicle with low floor. FTA = Federal Transit Administration. HPP = Highway Performance Program. MBTA = Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. MWRTA = MetroWest Regional Transit Authority. RTACAP = Regional Transit Authority Capital Funds.