FFYs 2024–28 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment Eleven

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  Overall Changes in Funding in TIP
Project Proposed Change Explanation Section/Funding Source Current Cost New Cost Difference
FFY 2024 Statewide Highway Program            
607342: Milton– Intersection Improvements at Route 28 (Randolph Avenue) and Chickatawbut Road Delay This project has been removed from the FFYs 2024–28 TIP as it will not meet its FFY 2024 advertising year. It is currently programmed in FFY 2025 of the FFYs 2025–29 TIP. The primary causes for delay relate to right-of-way and environmental permitting in the project area. Statewide Highway: HSIP $9,080,341 $0 -$9,080,341


FFY = Federal Fiscal Year. HSIP = Highway Safety Improvement Program. TIP = Transportation Improvement Program.