Date: October 9, 2023
From: Lenard Diggins
To: The Regional Transportation Advisory Council (RTAC)
RE: Candidacy for Chair of RTAC
Dear Advisory Council Colleagues,
Four years was enough time, but as I indicated last year, I am still excited and enthusiastic about the Advisory Council and its role on the Boston Region MPO Board. I am also as eager as ever to be the Chair for another year and to work with anyone on the Council who wishes to be Chair next year in order to help you learn as much as possible so that you can hit the ground running in your first year as the Chair.
In cooperation with the MPO staff at all levels, I feel that the Advisory Council made significant contributions to the MPO in the last 12 months. Some of our accomplishments were: (1) active participation in the development of the MPO’s Operations Plan; (2) active participation in the development of the UPWP, the TIP, the LRTP, and the Coordinated Plan which enabled us to comment on those plans more effectively; and (3) active participation in all of the Congestion Management Committee as well as the Administration and Finance Committee meetings. I also feel that we have continued to maintain our reputation as a hard-working, cooperative, and collaborative entity on the MPO Board.
Regarding the four goals that I set for this past year as Chair, with the dedicated assistance of Stella Jordan, we were able to have a greater variety of guests. We were also able to work with Stella as well as other staff in order to play a more meaningful role in assessing the universe of projects for the UPWP and in taking advantage of more opportunities to have a bigger impact in the selection of the final projects. We continued to struggle with attracting new members, and I was perhaps unrealistic in my expectation that we would be able to review the Needs Assessment for the latest LRTP, Destination 2050, before its release.
Looking forward, here are my goals for the upcoming year:
As I stated last year, my primary goal is for the Advisory Council is to be the kind of organization with which people want to work. As I also stated, my strongest desire is to help us all learn and grow and become more valuable contributors and better collaborators. I continue to have lots of ideas, but I continue to be more interested in your ideas; so, please bring them to me, either in pubic or in private, and please work with me transform your ideas into actions.
Finally, thank you all for your support over the last 4 years!
Lenard Diggins