DRAFT Boston Region MPO Communication Norms for Board and
Committee Members and Officers
The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO) strives to offer inclusive forums for discussions that lead to
transparent decisionmaking. In order to do so, the
Boston Region MPO recognizes that all individuals, designees, and alternates
serving on the MPO Board and its Committees should maintain respectful
discourse with their fellow Board members, staff to the Boston Region MPO, and
members of the public.
This Communications Norms document provides a
universal standard of conduct and framework for effective and respectful
discourse. This document is supplemental to the Boston Region MPO Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU), Boston Region MPO Operations Plan, the Bylaws of the
Advisory Council, as well as any other governing documents of the MPO or its
Committees. It is not a substitute for the Massachusetts State Ethics Law or
the Open Meeting Law.
Members or representatives of the Boston Region MPO or
its Committees shall conduct their communications related to the activities of
the board and committees in the following framework:
Listen to other Board and Committee members, MPO staff, and
members of the public with respect, supporting an atmosphere of welcome open
dialogue and discussion.
Recognize that every Board member, Committee member, staff
member, and member of the public represents the diversity of the region and has
the right to freedom from all forms of discrimination and harassment in their
association with the MPO.
In dealing with other Board and Committee members, MPO staff,
or members of the public, shall never: (1) use offensive language; (2) suggest
or engage in inappropriate behavior; (3) behave in an abusive, demeaning, or
discriminatory manner.
Maintain open communication and an effective partnership with
the Board’s officers, committee leadership, and staff.
During deliberations, speak clearly, state points succinctly,
offering criticism in a constructive manner.
Keep an open mind and take the views of others into full
account prior to casting a vote.
Treat all staff as professionals and respect the abilities,
experience, and dignity of each individual.
Recognize that the Executive Director is the chief executive
officer of the Boston Region MPO staff with the sole responsibility for the
day-to-day management of the organization, including the assignment of
personnel to carry out the work of the MPO.
Express concerns about staff performance directly to the
Executive Director, outside of a public meeting.
Refrain from giving instructions to staff as direction from
any individual Board or Committee member or representative.
Board and Committee members should report observed
violations of these communications norms made by any Board or Committee member
toward each other, staff, or a member of the public.
Concerns regarding potential violations may be
reported to the Chair or Vice Chair of the Boston Region MPO. The Executive
Director has discretion to investigate any accused violation related to staff.
I certify that I have received the Communications
Norms for the Boston Region MPO.
________________________________ _________________________
Board or Committee Member Signature Date