How to
connect to virtual meetings of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO):
We will be using the Zoom platform for virtual MPO
meetings. We recommend using a computer to connect to the virtual MPO meeting,
as the presentations may be difficult to read on a smaller device.
We recommend joining the meeting early to provide time to
troubleshoot issues you may encounter. We also recommend that you close other
applications running on your computer for the duration of the meeting.
Click on the link provided by MPO staff. This link is in
the agenda notice sent to the MPO mailing list, on the MPO meeting calendar for
the meeting date, and in the agenda document. A download of the Zoom platform will
automatically begin. After opening the file, you will be prompted to enter your
name. Please enter your first and last name and click the “Join Meeting”
If this is your first time joining a Zoom meeting from this
device, you will be asked to allow Zoom permission to access the camera and
microphone. You will be prompted to choose an audio conference option.
If your computer has a microphone, click the “Join with
Computer Audio” button to
connect to the meeting. If you do not have a microphone, select the “Phone Call”
To connect via phone, dial one of the toll-free phone
numbers, (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499, and follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID and your participant ID.
If you are not prompted to select an audio conference
option, or if your attempt to connect to the conference fails, click the “Join
Audio” button (found in the lower left-hand corner) to try again.
If your computer has a webcam, click the “Start Video” button
to enable video.
Please note that you are not required to have a camera to
join the meeting, but you will not be able to transmit your video. You will be
able to listen to video calling and view any screen sharing.
If you join the meeting prior to the meeting’s start time,
you will enter the Zoom session’s Waiting Room.
The host will open the meeting at the meeting’s start time.
in virtual MPO meetings:
Your microphone/phone will be automatically muted upon
entering the meeting. This is done to prevent an excessive amount of background
noise during the meeting. PLEASE DO NOT MUTE YOURSELF, as this will cause
delays in your ability to be heard. Should you mute yourself, please be aware
that you will need to respond to a request from the meeting host to be unmuted
before you speak. During the meeting, you can request to be unmuted by clicking
the “Raise Hand” button. To access the button, click on the “Participants”
button found on the bottom of the screen.
list of participants in the meeting will be displayed.
Clicking the “Raise Hand” button will show other
participants that you wish to speak.
After you raise your hand, you will need to wait for the
chair to recognize and unmute you before speaking. After your question or
comment has been addressed, please click the “Lower Hand” button. You will then
be returned to the muted state.
If you are having technical difficulties, please use the
chat button at the bottom of the screen to notify the host (Matt Archer).
MPO staff member, Matt Archer, will help solve your problem.
If you are having difficulties and cannot use the chat space, please email
Róisín Foley at or
Kate White at for assistance.
We will begin
with a roll call. The chair or a member of the MPO staff will ask all MPO
members to raise their hands (to rise to the top of the participant list).
Staff will unmute each member as the chair calls the member’s name.
During the public comment section of the agenda, staff will
read written comments submitted by project proponents. Following the reading of
written comments, members of the public may speak by selecting the “Raise Hand”
button and waiting for the chair to call their name. During this time, we ask
that members of the public who wish to provide comment identify themselves by stating
their first and last names and affiliations for the public record and then
provide their comment. The chat space is reserved for questions regarding
technical difficulties.
For voting,
members will raise their hands to make or second a motion, then a member of the
MPO staff will conduct a roll call for the vote. The member of the MPO staff
will request that all members raise their hands (to rise to the top of the
participant list). The member of the MPO staff will call each member from the
list, unmuting each member in turn, and ask them to state their name and vote.
After voting, each member will lower their hand.
To adjourn the meeting, the chair will conduct a roll call
asking each member if they object. The motion will be
recorded as carried with no objection if no members object.