Draft Memorandum for the Record

Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

Unified Planning Work Program Committee Meeting

July 30, 2015 Meeting

9:10 AM to 9:50 AM, State Transportation Building, Conference Rooms 2 and 3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston

Sreelatha Allam, Chair, representing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)


The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Committee agreed to the following:


Materials for this meeting included:

Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions

Sreelatha Allam, Chair, Unified Planning Work Program Committee (Massachusetts Department of Transportation) called the meeting to order at approximately 9:10 AM. UPWP Committee members, other MPO members, MPO staff, and other attendees introduced themselves. (For attendance list, see page 8.)

2. Action Item: Approval of UPWP Committee Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the April 16, 2015, UPWP Committee meeting minutes and the April 30, 2015 UPWP Committee meeting minutes was made by Tom Bent, Inner Core Committee (City of Somerville) and seconded by David Koses, At-Large Cities (City of Newton). The motion carried.

3. Review of the Draft Summary of Written Comments Received on the Draft FFY 2016 UPWP, with MPO Responses

Michelle Scott, MPO staff, explained that after the MPO approved the release of the draft FFY 2016 UPWP for public review and comment on June 11, the document was posted to the MPO website on June 25, for a public comment period that lasted until July 24. During that period, the MPO held two public meetings—in Everett and Boston—to invite feedback on the TIP, LRTP, and UPWP. People generally were supportive of the content of the FFY 2016 UPWP, and were particularly interested in the transit studies, including the First-Mile-and-Last-Mile Transit Connections Studies and Identifying Opportunities to Alleviate Bus Delay projects.

M. Scott reviewed the table of summarized written comments on the FFY 2016 UPWP, which includes proposed MPO responses. Copies of the original written comments were also made available. Topics described in the comments include:

M. Scott said she had talked with MPO staff’s technical services director, Scott Peterson, about ways to consider noise pollution in MPO activities, and MPO staff will be looking at opportunities to do this going forward. She also noted that in past years, MPO staff has collected information on whether and how recommendations from MPO-funded studies have been implemented or otherwise shaped planning processes in the MPO region. MPO staff is interested in looking into implementation on a more ongoing basis and providing information more regularly to the MPO.

Karl Quackenbush, MPO Executive Director, said that it is important to track what becomes of MPO studies. Periodic reviews of study recommendation implementation can be labor intensive because many project managers participate, and data collection can require following up with people who were involved in the study or making site visits. He stressed the importance of finding a way to streamline this process, so that MPO staff can monitor implementation of study findings and recommendations on an ongoing basis, and be capable of reporting back to the MPO on some regular basis.   

MassDOT OTP made several requests pertaining to the MPO’s Bicycle/ Pedestrian Support Activities program.

MPO staff has updated the description of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Support activities program to respond to these suggestions.

MassDOT OTP noted that the Summer Street/Rockland Street/George Washington Boulevard corridor under study as part of the FFY 2015 Addressing Safety, Mobility, and Access on Subregional Priority Roadways project does not have a significant safety need based on crash data, but there are needs for a Complete Streets approach, improved access to Nantasket Beach, and other bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.

MassDOT OTP also asked that some minor items in the draft FFY 2016 UPWP be corrected or clarified, and these have been addressed at the final UPWP.

Steve Olanoff, Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood/NVCC) asked whether MassDOT typically provides a comment letter on the UPWP, as he does not recall seeing them in the past. M. Scott explained that the UPWP Committee usually meets a week prior to document endorsement (but after the close of the public comment period) to discuss public comments. MassDOT typically submits their letter after that meeting, around the date the MPO is scheduled to endorse the document. Because the UPWP Committee is meeting on the same day that the FFY 2016 is scheduled to be endorsed, it is possible to discuss the letter at the Committee level this year. S. Olanoff said he appreciated that MassDOT has submitted a letter.

4. Updates to the Draft FFY 2016 UPWP

M. Scott reviewed a packet that included sections of FFY 2016 UPWP that have been updated.

5. Action Item: Recommendation to the MPO on Endorsement of the final FFY 2016 UPWP

A motion to recommend that the MPO endorse the FFY 2016 UPWP as presented was made by Tom O’Rourke (Three Rivers Interlocal Council/NVCC) and seconded by T. Bent. The motion carried.   

6. Member Items

There were none.

7. Next Meeting

No future meeting date was discussed.

8. Adjourn

A motion to adjourn was made by T. Bent and seconded by T. O’Rourke. The motion carried.




and Alternates

At-Large Cities (City of Newton)

David Koses

At-Large Cities (Town of Arlington)

Laura Wiener

Inner Core Committee (City of Somerville)

Tom Bent 

Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Sreelatha Allam

Southwest Advisory Planning Committee (Town of Medway)

Dennis Crowley

Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood/NVCC)

Tom O’Rourke


Other MPO Members and Alternates


Richard Canale

At-Large Towns (Town of Lexington)


Other MPO Members and Alternates


Michelle Ciccolo

Town of Lexington

Steve Olanoff

Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood NVCC)


MPO Staff/Central Transportation Planning Staff

Karl Quackenbush, Executive Director

Mark Abbott

Elizabeth Moore

Michelle Scott