Agenda posted by 5:00 PM,
Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting
Conference Rooms 2 & 3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA
1. Introductions, 5 minutes
2. Public Comments, 10 minutes
3. Chairs Report, 5 minutes
4. Committee Chairs Reports, 5 minutes
5. Regional Transportation Advisory Council Report, 5 minutes
6. Executive
Directors Report, 5
7. Action Items:
a. TIP Amendment Three, Sean Pfalzer, MPO Staff, discussion of public comments and action on this proposed amendment to the FFYs 2013-16 TIP, 15 minutes (posted)
b. Work Scope: Regional HOV-Lane Systems Planning Study, Phase II, Karl Quackenbush, Executive Director, and Bill Kuttner, MPO Staff, presentation and discussion of this proposed work program, 15 minutes (posted)
c. MPO Meeting Minutes: December 6, 2012, Maureen Kelly, MPO Staff, approval of these meeting minutes, 5 minutes (to be posted)
8. Report: Screening Regional Express Highways for Possible Preferential Lane Implementation, Karl Quackenbush, Executive Director, and Bill Kuttner, MPO Staff, presentation and discussion of this report, 20 minutes (posted)
9. Updates to TIP Criteria, Sean Pfalzer, MPO Staff, discussion of staffs review of current TIP Criteria and suggestions for updates for use in this years TIP evaluations, 40 minutes
10. State Implementation Plan Update, Kate Fichter, Office of Transportation Planning, MassDOT, monthly report for public information on progress, 5 minutes (posted)
11. Members
Items, reports
and notices by MPO Members, including regional concerns and local community
issues, 5 minutes